Kids and other vulnerable groups don’t have lobbyists.

To change the policy, hunger groups need the right tools.

Solving Hunger gives them the tools.​

  • In South Carolina, it’s getting 10,000 more children fed by eliminating the reduced-price meal category.

    In Vermont, it’s feeding all kids in school, no matter their parent’s income. Hungry kids can’t learn.

    In Connecticut, it’s feeding all kids breakfast in school, minimizing the growth in school meal debt.

    In New Jersey, it’s getting more kids eligible for school breakfast and lunch, a precursor to universal meals.

    In Kentucky, it’s allowing kids to eat their breakfast in their classrooms, so they don’t have to choose between getting to class and getting the nourishment that they need.

    In North Carolina, it’s helping schools and school districts to onboard onto school meals, allowing more federal funds – and fewer state funds – to be used to feed eligible children.

    In New York, it’s getting 80% of children in the state fed in school, relieving stress on families in a high-cost state.

  • Solving Hunger is different.

    In traditional philanthropy models, hunger organizations receive the funds and spend them how they best see fit to accomplish the mission.

    In a different approach Solving Hunger partners with those organizations and provides additional firepower:

    • Hires the professionals to develop the strategy

    • Funds the media campaign to push the message

    • Conducts public opinion polls to educate legislators and governors

    • Leverages its relationships in state houses and in Washington, DC

    • Helps guide the campaign from start to finish

  • We have won 25 campaigns across 20 states.

    We have a 76% success rate.

    We fund hunger groups with an advocacy component.

    We fund hunger groups with statewide reach.

    We fund hunger groups with strong leaders, who are willing to try new approaches to solving urgent problems.

    We fund hunger groups who want to work collaboratively, as a team, recognizing that solving this problem requires more than a nonprofit can provide on its own.

    Scroll down to see the states where we’ve already been successful.

  • Our founder, Bradley Tusk, believes that food is a right.

    He has volunteered at food kitchens, weekly, for the last thirty years.

    He realized that foodbanks wouldn’t be as necessary if we just solved the problem of hunger in America.

    He sees a nation with 40 million hungry people — and over 34,000 of its citizens who are worth over $100 million.

    He knows that with $6 million, we have fed almost 13 million people.

    This is a solvable problem.

    No one should be hungry in America.

    Click to read Bradley Tusk’s OpEd on his vision to end hunger.

Solving Hunger spent

$6 Million to help feed

13 Million Americans and unlocked

Nearly 2 Billion for Hunger programs

That is how you solve hunger in America.

We’ve won 25 campaigns in 20 states with a 76% success rate to feed those who are going hungry.

We have helped pass breakfast after the bell legislation, expanded access to SNAP for college students and senior citizens, and universal school meals bills.

No Kid Hungry Kentucky + Tusk Philanthropies

Campaign Results